Recently, the State of Connecticut adopted the new rules which modernize the rules on attorney advertising. These rules are meant to simplify litigation advertising for lawyers and consumers. Following this news, it is now expected that more states will follow in Connecticut’s footsteps and adopt these laws as well. These changes were made as a response to the Association of Professional Responsibility Lawyers who reported that the rules must be more consistent, clear and concise. Changes were made in regards to communications concerning a lawyer’s services, specific rules concerning communication about services, and solicitation of clients. These revisions will go into effect on January 1, 2020. The rule changes will greatly affect a lawyer’s ability to keep up with new advertising technologies. With these changes great results will follow such as consumers having a clear idea of what their lawyers can offer them to help solve their legal issues. Law offices in the state of New York such as the law office of Robert Aronov & Associates have already successfully taken on new methods of advertising their services and many more will follow.